Friday, October 30, 2009

A sneak peak...

From feminist issues, living le “green life” to exploring the ups and downs of South African sport, ‘F[read]om Writers’ blog has it all.
This hip, innovative blog composed of bright backgrounds, and deeply insightful articles has the capability to grab the youngest to the oldest of people. This could be due to the fact that the team that compiled the blog consists of two ladies and a young fellow. Mixing of the sexes really can conjure up some of the most enlightening of creative projects. However, others could, and most probably would, argue otherwise.
As we are all told growing up, we are all unique in our individuality, and this blog reflects just that. Our passions and the things we enjoy to “loose” ourselves in are what build our characters in some retrospect. And, ‘F[read]om Writers’ gives you a taste of the passions that three young Rhodes Students have, which set them apart, yet bring them together, when their differences clash to create this fresh cyber project.
The blog includes quotes from well known author’s and writers, such as the likes of Anne Lamott, as well as a list of author’s that the journalists admire and adore, from Maya Angelou, Ted Hughes and Jodie Picoult.
This layed back sight provides intellectual insight on almost every aspect of our daily lives, exploring issues that take place in and around Rhodes University campus and beyond.