Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fruitless Feminism, but you gotta love Friedan

This one time in the car I was ranting, as we all need to do, to my mom about how unfair the world was.
My little sister popped up and asked apprehensively “Simone, are you a feminist?” the tone being somewhat negative.
Hmmm, me a feminist?
Is that what I sounded like?
It is something I subconsciously adhere to as nothing boils my blood more than when someone puts women down, even if they ARE right. However, I have never branded myself as a feminist, defining myself into such a specific attitude.
Reading ‘The Feminine Mystique’ by Betty Friedan, I love and am very grateful for the way things have changed. People in the early 1900s praised men as if they were God’s gift to Earth. Women felt guilty if they spent too much time reading, rather waiting for their children to wake up to continue their house-wife job. None of their own goals were pursued, leaving them with a proven sense of emptiness. No real purpose other than to bear children, watch them grow up and then die.
YES! Pick me, pick me….
I am now juggling with the idea of either equalling with men, living in the world they have constructed, or whether we should create a new, better one. The latter is probably the most difficult and idealistic, but once attained could prove so much. The problem with women is that they do not respect each. Cheating, back-stabbing and malicious behaviour goes on a considerable amount. I, myself can admit to being guilty to some extent.
For now, nevertheless, the only thing we can do is defend our dignity, for equality will never be a sure thing.