Saturday, October 17, 2009

I shot the sheriff

The law is what we would all like to think can protect us from various dangers in this fleeting world. But, what happens when the ones who are supposed to be the upholders of the law cause harm to those they are meant to protect.
This story explores a serious incident that occurred where a soldier shot a sheriff, who was at his place of residence, following court orders to confiscate some of the soldier’s movable goods.
This story makes for a good read because the reporter (journalist) got a secondary source for more information about the incident. The source is Tshwane’s police spokeswoman Captain Tessa Jansen. There is also an interview that the reporter managed to get in support of their story.
There is also a time and date as to where and when the incident took place, this verifies the incident further. The reporter also explains that it was not clear why the sheriff was confiscating the soldier’s goods.
The headline of the story is captivating because it uses language that is related closely to the law. It is also a good headline because you would not expect a person who is meant to uphold and stand by the law to harm a fellow law upholder. So, the headline is a contrast.
This article leaves a heavy question hanging above your head as to why is the soldier, who is meant to protect, hurting those he is meant to be helping to uphold the law?!
Is the current economic situation, with inflation and such, also causing those, who are a minute part of the legel system, to go as haywire as the rest of the population...If so, then South Africa is in for bigger problems than we already have.


C-way said...

This article can be found on the following website: