Thursday, October 8, 2009

To listen or not to listen

Today I was part of a conversation where for some unknown reason the topic arose of music preferences. We started discussing why it is that certain people prefer certain types of music and why others prefer them not. It was strange and entertaining all at once because I was told that I enjoy jazz because my brain is stale and I am way too mature, then when I brought up the argument that I als listen to cpious amounts of simple plan, maroon 5, fall out boy and so forth, I was told that this is a sign of the  younger me deep within trying to grasp at the remaining straws of my youth. This really interested me, I never thought it would, but it did. Think about this, what kind of musci do you like and why do you like it? What about the kind of music you absolutely abhorr? Why do you? Anyway, no matter what it means, jazz rocks